Biblical - Male
Peaceable, perfect, that rewards.
Peaceable, perfect, that rewards.
Peace, tied, chained, perfection, retribution.
Throne or keeping of the Lord.
Named a stranger; he is here a stranger.
Desolation, destruction.
Loss, desolation, astonishment.
My name, my desolations.
Names, desolations.
He that is heard, he that is obeyed.
There a singer or conqueror.
Rabbit, wild rat, their lip, their brink.
Rabbit, wild rat, their lip, their brink.
My Lord, my prince, my song.
Navel, thought, singing.
Overseer of the treasury, or of the storehouse.
Rejoicing, mercy, linen.
Asked, lent, a grave. Demanded, lent, ditch, death.
The remnant shall return.
Gate of the Lord, tempest of the Lord.