English - Female
Feminine form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert meaning noble and bright. Albert became popular in England after Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in 1840.
Feminine form of Albert from the Old German Adalbert meaning noble and bright. Albert became popular in England after Queen Victoria married Prince Albert in 1840.
Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, from an Old German name meaning elf counsel Was originally used for both sexes, but is now regarded as a feminine name.
Long lived.
A chief.
From the old house.
Feminine form of Aldred: From the Old English Ealdraed, meaning old counsel. Aldred was common before the Norman Conquest, and revived in the 19th century. Wise or red haired man.
From the old house.
Feminine form of Alexander. Defender of mankind.
Variant of Alexander: Helper, defender of man.
Variant of Alexander: Helper, defender of man.
Variant of Alexander: Helper, defender of man.
Helper, defender. Variant of Alexander.
Variant of Alexis.
Variant of Elfreda: Elf strength, good counselor. From the Old English name Aelfthryth. Also a feminine form of Alfred, meaning sage, or wise, from the Old English Aelfraed, meaning elf counsel. Also from Ealdfrith or Alfrid, meaning old peace.
Elf counselor.
Divine counselor.