English - Female
Feminine form of Neil, meaning champion.
Feminine form of Neil, meaning champion.
By the alder tree.
Abbreviation of Eleanor 'shining light'.
Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: A variant of the Greek Helen, meaning shining light, or most beautiful woman.
Bright friend.
Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: A variant of the Greek Helen, meaning shining light, or most beautiful woman.
Bright friend.
Bright friend.
Bright friend.
Goddess of the deep.
Name ending used as an independent name.
From the American state, meaning "snow-capped" in Spanish.
Derived from abbreviation of names with 'nia' ending.
Blend of Nichole and Michelle.
Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory.
Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory.
Feminine form of Nolan 'noble' or variant abbreviation of 'Fenella' from Fiona, meaning fair.
Abbreviation of Eleanora. Light and Honora, honor.
Feminine form of Octavius.
Special friend.