English - Female
Feminine variant of Jay.
Feminine variant of Jay.
Variant of Jamie.
Variant of Jacob: Supplanter.
Modern variant of Jasmine; combination of Jocelyn and the musical term jazz.
Modern variant of Jasmine; combination of Jocelyn and the musical term jazz.
Form of Jeffrey. God's peace.
Son of Jeffrey.
Derived from one of three Old German names, meaning: district, traveler, or peaceful pledge.
Peaceful. Variant of Jeffrey.
Variant of Gemma.
Diminutive form of Jeanne.
Variant of Jenny which is a diminutive of Jane and Jennifer.
Variant of Garrett: Rules by the spear.
Variant and surname form of Gerald: Rules by the spear.
Variant of Geraldine.
Variant of Jeremiah: In use since the Middle Ages.
Variant of Jeremiah: In use since the Middle Ages.
Strong, open-minded. Blend of Jerold and Darell.
Variant of Jeremiah: In use since the Middle Ages.
Modern blend of Jerry and Marilyn.