No Kids at the Wedding Please

As much as you love your nieces, nephews and even your own children, some of you know that an otherwise perfect day can be tarnished by a misbehaving little one. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so what should you do? If you don't mind kids at your wedding, then this article is not for you. If your are in the other group, read on.

If you are reading this you are probably afraid of being labeled as selfish or a child hater, but this is your day. You planned for it, paid for it and deserve to have it the way you want. Even if you are being selfish, having paid a few thousand dollars or more says you have a right to be!

Well enough of the pep talk. You must be open and honest from the very beginning. Waiting too long in fear of causing trouble will only make matters worse and leave you feeling even more "guilty" when some people were expecting to bring their little ones from the start. Most people will understand and some have asked it for their own weddings, but there are still a few that need to be told. Here are some of the ways to get the message across early:

Send It with the Invitation

That right. You could put it on a separate card and make a reference to it being an adults only event. You may not want to say "no kids please" because the words "adults only" is less likely to be seen negatively.

Call Your Guests

Call each and every person who you believe is coming and be honest and upfront. Don't take too long with the small talk and try to end on a positive note. It would also be a good idea to have babysitters in a separate room at the wedding in case someone forgets or just had to bring little Mark.

Employ Babysitters

If you just don't want to feel like you are a kid-hater, just make a point to have babysitters at your wedding. This way no one will feel left out or "betrayed". You still have to contend with those parents and children that have separation anxiety.

You will have to make sure to tell them that if they plan to bring children with them, they must be placed with the babysitter you or they have provided, in a separate room, no exceptions. Having a room with toys and bright colors could peak a child's interest, but there is no guarantee.

Use Psychology

The statement, "This is a day to enjoy yourself too. Leave the kids at home (with our babysitter)", will definitely bring some of those not-so-understanding parents to your corner. The parents with the most misbehaved kids will be the first to identify with this statement.

If all else fails, just remember the important thing is that you are marrying the one you love and that nothing can change that!

Article Written By

Victoria Williams
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