On your wedding day, you want to have as many mementos and pictures as you can to remember the special day. You want to share photos with your family and friends. You want to have a photo album that you can look back at and smile. Photography is a big part of weddings.
There are always photos being taken all-day and long into the night. Although all of your friends and family are taking pictures, you still want a professional to capture the important moments of the day. Once you have selected a photographer, you can expect to have pictures that are of high quality that you cannot get from most digital cameras.
Photo Albums
When you hire a photographer for your wedding day and reception, you are going to have many pictures to look at when it comes time to select all the pictures you want to have enlarged for family and friends. Usually the couple is given all of the prints for their wedding album. These pictures are usually included in the cost of the photographer. You can probably fill three wedding albums with all of the pictures. You will want to keep all of the pictures from the wedding so you can look back later down the road.
Photos for Family
After the wedding day, the photographer will sit down with you and go through all of the pictures. This is when you can choose some pictures to have enlarged for your parents, grandparents and anybody else that you want to give a picture to of your wedding. It is also nice if you give the wedding party each a picture of the group together. You will be able to choose different size photos. You can choose large portraits, 8x10, wallets and 5x7 photos to give to people. The prices are very reasonable as well.
Moments to Treasure
When you hire a photographer for your wedding and reception, you will have memories of the day forever. This might sound like something that you don't need because your friends will be taking pictures, but it is nice to have some professional pictures to remember with for years to come. There are always some interesting photos in the bunch as well. You always want to have someone that is not a part of the wedding capturing the funny moments as well as the loving moments. The memories are something that you cannot forget about when you have a photo album filled with all your friends and family surrounding you.
If you plan your wedding, make sure that you plan for photography. You may think that your family and friends will take enough pictures, but if you have someone that is separated from the wedding and the guests, you will have more pictures and high quality pictures. You will be delighted for years to come every time you open your picture album to see how beautiful everything was on that special day. You can share your memories with your children and even your grandchildren.